Rashad in Action


Lululemon Partnership



  • "I don’t think anybody that has come across the paths of Mr. Cohen can say they haven’t been changed and transformed.”

    Dr. Rashad Anderson, MSU Call Me Mister Director
    Metropolitan State University of Denver

  • “It brought tears to my eyes. I think most kids are troubled nowadays and they could really use the information that he speaks about.”

    8th Grade Student

  • "He came with resources and materials that we in the education world are always seeking."

    Frida Rodriguez, Adams 12 Five Star School, Denver, CO

  • "He tailored his assembly to what we needed! He brought the students in right away, got them excited, told a touching story, recognized the teachers and just filled us up! It was such a positive experience."

    Karen Keffeler, Principal
    Meadow Ridge Elementary

  • "Everything he says is incredibly impactful on your life!"

    Jacob, 8th Grade Student

  • “We talked to him about what we were feeling and what we needed for our kids. And what’s amazing is that his message was exactly what they needed to hear, like to a tee! Except it was so much better than we could imagine!”

    Freya Schirmacher, Principal
    Minnetonka Middle School West

  • "Rashad brought his energy and excitement right into our classroom. He might have only been on our Smartboard screen, but his enthusiasm about life poured out of him and right into our classroom."

    Brent Frank, Teacher

  • “Rashad is an amazing presenter with the capability of instantly engaging his audience. He talks candidly about his experience growing up and as an adult, helping all students (and even teachers) make connections and become more enlightened. I would welcome Rashad back into my classroom in a heartbeat.”

    Andrew Howard, Teacher

  • “Rashad opened our eyes through his storytelling and vulnerability. He is a dynamic speaker who engages his audience and responds to their questions openly and honestly."

    Jen Santamaria M. Ed., Ed. D.

  • “We are super excited about the relationships he has just built with our students at Minnetonka High School and what will come next!”

    Jennifer Smasal , Assistant Principal
    Minnetonka High School

are you ready to
make an impact?

Rashad will be with you every step of the way.